KÖBO develops and manufactures chains and sprockets for various applications in the wood industry. We work closely with our international customers to develop customer-specific solutions for all types of application. Conveyor processes for wood require special knowledge. This is because of the many different wood species and their various sizes, shapes and weights. Our many years of experience and resulting project reliability often give our customers a key competitive advantage.The KÖBO portfolio includes the entire range of chains for the wood processing industry, from debarking to the saw mill and sorting line to the final planing mill. Our chains and products are therefore available in all international sizes. With our positioning as a one-stop shop, we are also one of the highest quality and most innovative suppliers in this segment in the international markets.
and sorting
and sorting
KÖBO chains and KÖBO sprockets are also the preferred choice in this special segment. They demonstrate their full potential in particular when it comes to functioning perfectly under extreme weights, large shock loads and damp, sandy conditions. Debarking, sawing, cutting or sorting – KÖBO chain systems meet the requirements and exceed expectations.
Board transport
and saw lines
and saw lines
The saw line is the heart of the wood mill. From the timber feeding system to the actual saw line and the sorting line, KÖBO provides high-quality drive and conveyor chains. With 125 years of industry experience, we manufacture state-of-the-art chains and sprockets from a single source. With high standards and outstanding service quality, we minimize downtime and raise productivity – permanently. We therefore keep the components for the main chain types used by our discerning customers in stock in various sizes in either metric or imperial dimensions and are able to deliver around the world.
Plywood and
A large variety of chains is used in the plywood and chipboard manufacturing process. KÖBO manufactures chains and sprockets for this application. Attachments are made of plastic or rubber to avoid scratching on the finished boards. These attachments are clipped or mounted on the chain. KÖBO offers a large variety of these components of the shelf in metric and imperial dimensions. Besides that, KÖBO manufactures sprockets in house to fit the chains.
Wood chip
handling in
pellet mills
handling in
pellet mills
The requirements placed on chains and sprockets in the pellet industry are tremendous. This is where our chains and sprockets perform under some of the most difficult conditions, with moisture, sand and dirt or acidic environments posing daily challenges. To deal with these successfully, KÖBO offers high-performance chains and attachments. We also provide customer-specific solutions with unique attachments, increased contact surfaces or special heat treatment.
Our chains and sprockets can be used in almost all related sectors of the wood processing industry.
- Furniture industry
- Laminated wood industry
- Planing mills
- Paper and pulp industry
- Wood profiling machines